Posts Tagged ‘featured’

SHOPPING! Salvage Style…

I was just in Columbus, Ohio presenting at the Country Living Fair and I can’t help but be inspired by all the talented artisans and shops at the fair and throughout the Columbus area. It’s so fun to see so many people grabbing all the vintage, repurposed and salvage finds at the fair as well as at the amazing Columbus Architectural Salvage Shop (which happened to be do just down the street from my hotel — how lucky am I). Here are a few of the amazing places and things I saw on my trip to Columbus! :)  Big thank you to Crystal, The Country Living Team and Stella Shows! You guys, always make me feel like family.  See you all in Atlanta in October.

One of my favorite vendors at the #CLFAIR is Shawna Robinson’s Happy Chairs! You can’t help but smile when you see these bright and amazingly designed repurposed chairs, couches pillows and artwork. The quality of the products and upholstering is fabulous — one day I’ll have one of these Happy Items in my home! You can also check out Shawna Robinson’s studio online.

The Booth for Stash Style is incredible — I love the mix of country, rock and roll and a touch of glamour — plus their fun t-shirt and hand towels with funny sayings are a must. This rack of FADED flannels is just one clever, beautiful display in the booth. See more of their booth and products on their website- you can even buy online.


Columbus, OHIO…the Country Living Fair!

If you’re in or near Columbus, Ohio this weekend, September 11, 12, 13…come by the Country Living Fair. I’m presenting on Friday and Saturday-- with over 130 photos (combined) of salvage design, vintage decor and DIY projects! I’ll also be signing my books — Salvage Secrets and Salvage Secrets Design & Decor. This is an amazing event filled with great vendors and special guests! Yes…that’s a picture of me in between Danny Seo and the Beekman Boys — No pressure there :)  See you at the Fair!

More Headboard Ideas

Thrilled to be once again making headboards for DIY NETWORK.  Thanks Guys!  Here are two that just went live with EASY Step by Step instruction.  Turn a rug into a headboard and faux leather makes for a rich look! Click on the picture for the link through. Enjoy! Joanne

How to Make A Faux Leather Headboard. Modern and sleek idea for a Do It Yourself Headboard that attaches directly to the wall. This headboard I designed for the Mad River Barn Rooms! You’ll find lots more of the headboards I’ve made for DIY NETWORK here as well. :) Photography by Susan Teare.

For a dramatic headboard look no further than an amazing area rug! Kilm rugs, woven, looped and wool — all make for great headboards — EASY DIY! For DIY NETWORK by Joanne Palmisano.

Coming Soon! Salvage Secrets Design Website

Questions I get a lot are…Do you do interior design? Styling? Workshops? Presentations? DIY projects? Staging? Answer is yes-to all! I guess my blog doesn’t really show off my services. So with the help of some amazing people -including my twin sister, Rosanne Palmisano, Sarah Jane & Company , Creative Waters and many pictures taken by Susan Teare and other amazing photographers including Jim Westphalen, I’m putting together a very simple website that will list my services, portfolio of work and still have a blog for you to follow., will be the new site, and I’m sure the look you see below will change a few times, but I’m thrilled to let you know it is coming soon (think October).  Can’t wait!  If you need to know more about my services before the site goes live,  just email me at [email protected].  Chat soon! Joanne


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Workshops and Presentations

I’m thrilled to say I have quite a line up for this fall of really fun workshops and presentations across the country.  The best way to get more details about these events is to follow Salvage Secrets Design Facebook Page — in the events calendars and the posts I always list more details as soon as I know them :)  Here are some coming up for you to SAVE THE DATE and TELL A FRIEND.  :)  See you soon!  Joanne

August 8, Friday, Basin Harbor Club, Vergennes, Vermont, DIY WORKSHOP — Make Your Own Coasters  (Plus a short presentation)

September 12-14, Country Living Fair, Columbus, Ohio — Presentations/Workshops/Books Signings — More Details to Come

October 4, Saturday, Boston Art Week, Restoration Resources -- Presentations and a DIY Presentation/Books Signings — More Details to Come.

October 24-26, Country Living Fair, Atlanta, Georgia — Presentations/Workshops/Books Signings

November 20-21, Friday and Saturday, Sweet Salvage, Phoenix, Arizona — Presentation/Books Signings

The events are a blast (so I’m told :)) Fun, funny, informative and filled with amazing pictures by Susan Teare of salvage, recycled and vintage design — don’t miss out!

Learn more about where to look for salvaged material and who has the best of what!

Not all deals are done in the back parking lot, but this is sometimes where it begins. Learn the journey of a salvaged piece to a store and what you can find along the way.

With over 150 projects online with DIY NETWORK — you’ll learn about some amazing DIY projects that you can easily do yourself.

For every season there is a project you can do. Find out where you can find the materials to create your own home decor.

How to decorate with salvage and look fresh, hip and modern!

Besides dumpster (not really often) where do I shop?

From bottle caps to shipping containers- and everything in between.

I’ll also be signing both my books. They are filled with even more ideas and hints on how to use salvage in your home and business.

Interested in a presentation at your store or event, contact me at [email protected]



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